Kyle Chui

Folding for Imperative Programmers

More recently I discovered why the use of the go to statement has such disastrous effects, and I became convinced that the go to statement should be abolished from all "higher-level" programming languages (i.e. everything except, perhaps, plain machine code).

~Edsger Dijkstra, Go To Statement Considered Harmful

In the 1960s, programmers often relied on go to statements when writing code, using them in place of loops and other logical constructs. This made it incredibly hard to understand the semantics of a program, since it was impossible to discern its control flow at a glance. Instead, one had to trace through all of the go to statements in order to figure out what possible states the program could be in.

Dijkstra (of Dijkstra fame) recognized this, and argued that "the go to statement as it stands is just too primitive; it is too much an invitation to make a mess of one's program". This sentiment applies to loops as well, albeit to a lesser extent. In many instances, the actual details of how iteration occurs aren't relevant to the problem at hand. While loops aren't going away anytime soon, many "simple" loops can be refactored using higher-level constructs from functional programming.

Folding is an abstraction for the notion of "accumulating" a value in a container, e.g. summing the elements of a list. In an imperative language like C++, that might look like:

int sum_of_ints(vector<int> nums) {
  int acc = 0;
  for (int num : nums) {
    acc += num;
  return acc;

As we iterate through the list, we keep track of the current partial sum in acc (short for accumulator). In functional programming, this could be handled via a fold1, which takes three arguments:

  • A starting value for the accumulator
  • A function that "updates" the value of the accumulator, given an element from the container
  • A container to traverse

In Haskell, we would use the foldl2 function and write:

sum_of_ints :: [Integer] -> Integer
sum_of_ints lst = foldl (\acc num -> acc + num) 0 lst

While these two implementations may look very different, they are semantically quite similar:

  • Both solutions initialize the accumulator to 0
  • The lambda in the functional code3 updates the value of the accumulator, just like the body of the for loop in the imperative code

There are a few benefits of writing this code using a fold:

  • Shorter code tends to be easier to reason about and debug
  • Folding does not "leak variables into an outer scope", since acc is only visible inside the fold
  • The idea of folding generalizes well to other containers, e.g. trees, maps, etc.

To get an even better understanding of foldl, let's take a look at its type signature:

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b

One might wonder why the lambda has type b -> a -> b, as opposed to a -> a -> a. This is for generality purposes, since the type of the accumulator does not need to be the same as the type of the elements in the container. For example, what if we wanted to find the total amount paid out to a list of Employees?

-- Defines an Employee type to have a name and salary
data Employee = Employee { name :: String
                       , salary :: Integer }

sum_of_salaries :: [Employee] -> Integer
sum_of_salaries employees =
  -- Pattern matching to extract salary from Employee
  foldl (\acc Employee { name = _, salary = salary }
    -> acc + salary) 0 employees

In this particular case, we are accumulating salaries (type Integer), but the elements of our container are type Employee. This allows for more flexibility, and allows us to do more productive things than just "sum over a list of Integers".

Programming is all about finding the right set of abstractions to solve problems. Folding is one of those abstractions, providing an idiomatic way to solve the recurring problem of accumulation over a container. While not universally applicable, folds improve the expressiveness and correctness of our code.


  1. In other languages, this may be called accumulate (C++) or reduce (Python).

  2. The folding function we use here is called foldl and not just fold because there are two kinds of folds: left-associative (foldl) and right-associative (foldr). Hence if our operation is non-associative, foldl and foldr yield different results. For example, if our operation was subtraction instead of addition, our choice of folding function would matter. See the Haskell wiki for more information.

  3. The astute may realize that (\acc num -> acc + num) is just an application of + to two arguments, so we could rewrite sum_of_ints as:

    sum_of_ints lst = foldl (+) 0 lst

    Furthermore, one can then apply an eta reduction, yielding

    sum_of_ints = foldl (+) 0